Modernisation and refurbishment project of the Olympic Stadium

The costs of the Olympic Stadium modernisation and refurbishment project were almost EUR 127 million higher than estimated in the project plan. Additional and alteration work increased the costs the most. Another reason for the cost overrun is the fact that the costs of the project plan were not tied to the tender price index.
Read more about the Olympic Stadium refurbishment project ›

Preventing segregation of residential areas

Areal segregation has not decreased, although Helsinki has been able to curb segregation through a long-term housing policy aimed at creating a diverse population and housing structure.
Read more about preventing segregation of residential areas ›

Impacts of the appropriation for positive discrimination (PD) in comprehensive schools

In line with its objective, the funding for positive discrimination (PD) has compensated for area-based differences in well-being in comprehensive schools caused by the urban structure. The appropriation is considered to be important and its criteria oriented in the right direction.
Read more about the assessment of the PD appropriations ›

Project for Youth Social Inclusion and Me school development to prevent social exclusion in comprehensive schools

Good experiences have been gained with the measures taken to reduce inequalities between children and young people and prevent their social exclusion, but the permanence of the effects is uncertain.
Read more about the measures to prevent social exclusion among children and young people ›

Substance abuse services

The Social Services and Health Care Division has developed the treatment of people with substance abuse problems and harm reduction services and lowered the threshold for access to services. Cooperation with other operators, particularly child welfare services, needs to be developed.
Read more about the assessment of substance abuse services ›

Promoting gender equality in the Culture and Leisure Division

Gender equality is taken into account in the different services of the Culture and Leisure Division, but the way in which information on service users’ gender is collected varies.
Read more about the promotion of gender equality ›

Access to non-urgent care at health stations

Access to non-urgent care is provided at health stations mainly within the time limits prescribed by law, but not in accordance with Helsinki’s own objectives or in an equal manner.
Read more about access to non-urgent care ›

Communal student welfare in basic education

Preventive communal student welfare has been promoted in accordance with the Student Welfare Act, but the pupils’ right to receive psychologist and welfare officer services in student welfare was not realised within the statutory deadline.
Read more about the assessment of communal student welfare ›

Realisation of participatory budgeting in the Urban Environment Division

The implementation of the Urban Environment Division’s participatory budgeting projects has been successful, despite limited human resources and a tight schedule. However, communication about the progress of the projects and the involvement of residents in the implementation of the projects reached only a small group of residents.
Read more about the assessment of participatory budgeting ›

Realisation of young people’s opportunities to influence

Young people’s influence and participation can best be supported at school. This requires closer cooperation between the Education Division and the Culture and Leisure Division.
Read more about the assessment of young people’s opportunities to influence ›