Culture and Leisure Division

Attractiveness of libraries and promoting reading

Visitors have found their way back to libraries in 2023 following the coronavirus pandemic, as the number of library visits has increased compared to 2020–2022. Library visits by primary school pupils are extensive, but lower secondary and secondary school pupils and students visit less.
Read more about the attractiveness of libraries and promoting literacy ›

Development of cultural grants

Cultural grants have been partly developed in line with the City Strategy and the Culture Unit’s service strategy, but it has been impossible to monitor the inclusion of new operators or art forms within the scope of support.
Read more about the development of cultural grants ›

Strengthening youth work

During the coronavirus pandemic, detached work became part of basic youth work. However, the resources of youth work units are insufficient to cope with the increased tasks and needs. Recruiting staff has become more difficult.
Read more about the strengthening youth work assessment ›

Implementation of the Physical Activity Programme goals

The actions of the Physical Activity Programme of Helsinki have largely been implemented. The majority of the three target areas’ actions have been either implemented or advanced on schedule.
Read more about the implementation of the actions of the Physical Activity Programme ›

Achievement of environmental policy objectives in procurement

The environmental policy objectives set by the City Council in 2012 have not been fully achieved in the City of Helsinki’s procurement. Although environmental criteria have been set in several procurements with significant environmental impact in the past, more extensive development has only begun in recent years with the Carbon-neutral Helsinki 2035 action plan.
Read more about the achievement of environmental policy objectives in procurement ›

Maritime Helsinki

The objectives of the City Strategy have been furthered during this council period of office. Half of the measures planned for the early years of the Maritime Strategy have already been implemented either fully or for the most part.
Read more about the assessment of maritime Helsinki ›

Promoting gender equality in the Culture and Leisure Division

Gender equality is taken into account in the different services of the Culture and Leisure Division, but the way in which information on service users’ gender is collected varies.
Read more about the promotion of gender equality ›

Realisation of young people’s opportunities to influence

Young people’s influence and participation can best be supported at school. This requires closer cooperation between the Education Division and the Culture and Leisure Division.
Read more about the assessment of young people’s opportunities to influence ›

Ownership steering of sports and cultural services and overall management

The ownership steering of sports and cultural services is organised in an appropriate manner for the most part. At City level, the problem is that the division of labour between the mayor and deputy mayors has not been defined.
Read more about assessment of sports and cultural services ›

Direction provided to the City divisions by the City Executive Office, mayor and deputy mayors

With the introduction of the new management system and City division model, the controllability of the City organisation has improved. However, control and direction have become more fragmented, and there is a lack of clarity regarding who directs what.
Read more about assessment of the new management system ›