
Supporting foreign-language pupils in comprehensive schools

The city’s Finnish-language comprehensive schools have supported foreign-language pupils in their learning, but some measures are incomplete or limited in scope. Language support varies between schools because of differences in resources and skills in providing support.
Read more about supporting foreign-language pupils in comprehensive schools ›

Attractiveness of libraries and promoting reading

Visitors have found their way back to libraries in 2023 following the coronavirus pandemic, as the number of library visits has increased compared to 2020–2022. Library visits by primary school pupils are extensive, but lower secondary and secondary school pupils and students visit less.
Read more about the attractiveness of libraries and promoting literacy ›

Promoting the well-being of upper secondary school students

The Education Division has taken many steps to improve student well-being and increase their sense of community. However, the services of student welfare psychologists are not easily accessible, and there is a waiting list for further treatment.
Read more about promoting the well-being of upper secondary school students ›

Remedying the loss of learning caused by distance education in secondary schools

Secondary schools have increased the support available in order to remedy the loss of learning caused by distance education; however, allocating the support in the future requires reliable data.
Read more about remedying the loss of learning caused by distance education in secondary schoolsyläkouluissa ›

Adequacy of student counselling in vocational education

Student counselling and the rate of studies completion have been developed in a diverse manner, but based on the survey of the personnel, there is not enough counselling available to students.
Read more about student counselling in vocational education. ›

Impacts of the appropriation for positive discrimination (PD) in comprehensive schools

In line with its objective, the funding for positive discrimination (PD) has compensated for area-based differences in well-being in comprehensive schools caused by the urban structure. The appropriation is considered to be important and its criteria oriented in the right direction.
Read more about the assessment of the PD appropriations ›

Communal student welfare in basic education

Preventive communal student welfare has been promoted in accordance with the Student Welfare Act, but the pupils’ right to receive psychologist and welfare officer services in student welfare was not realised within the statutory deadline.
Read more about the assessment of communal student welfare ›

Project for Youth Social Inclusion and Me school development to prevent social exclusion in comprehensive schools

Good experiences have been gained with the measures taken to reduce inequalities between children and young people and prevent their social exclusion, but the permanence of the effects is uncertain.
Read more about the measures to prevent social exclusion among children and young people ›

Integration of families with children in the Education Division

The integration of families with children has been promoted in the Education Division, but the division must increase the development of the skills of its own staff with regard to integration.
Read more about Integration of families with children in the Education Division

Realisation of digitalisation in basic education

Basic education currently has sufficient and functional digital environments, systems and equipment, but they must be developed and replaced. The digital and pedagogical skills of teachers have not improved as planned, and there is a lack of sufficient monitoring data on the development of pupils’ skills.
Read more about Realisation of digitalisation in basic education