
Targets set for the Group

Ownership strategies set objectives for the subsidiaries. However, assessing whether the objectives have been met is difficult because they are set so vaguely.
Read more about the objectives set for the Group ›

The city’s finances

2023 was the first year in which the expenditure and income of social services, health care and rescue services are no longer part of the city’s self-financed budget. Key figures show that the restructuring had little impact on the City of Helsinki’s financial situation.
Read more about the city’s finances ›

Achieving the Carbon Neutral Port objective

The Port of Helsinki’s emissions reduction target for ship emissions will almost certainly be reached in 2030. Emissions from heavy goods vehicles and machinery have not yet fallen significantly.
Read more about progress towards the Port’s carbon-neutrality target ›

Targets set for the Group

As of the 2022 budget, the City Council has no longer set targets for the City Group’s subsidiaries. In practice, the decision-making power for setting goals has been delegated to the City Board in the Group Guidelines adopted on 1 March 2023. The Audit Committee believes that the most significant subsidiaries at least should have goals to report to the City Council.
Read more about setting targets for the Group ›

Achievement of binding targets

Forty-two per cent of the binding operational targets were met. Fifty-eight per cent of the indicators measuring target achievement were met. The coronavirus pandemic still affected meeting targets, especially in the Culture and Leisure Division.
Read more about the achievement of binding targets in 2022. ›

Achievement of binding objectives

51 per cent of the binding operation objectives were achieved. The prolongation of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the achievement of the objectives of the Education Division and the Social Services and Health Care Division in particular.
Read more about the achievement of the 2021 binding objectives ›

Realisation of tenant democracy within Helsingin kaupungin asunnot Oy

At Heka, residents do not have authority in all the matters required by the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings. On the other hand, Heka’s tenant democracy has elements not required by the legislation. The activists for residents’ rights are unsatisfied with the actual influencing opportunities the residents have.
Read more about the realisation of Heka’s tenant democracy ›

Achievement of binding objectives and targets

56 per cent of the binding operational objectives and targets were achieved. The binding operational objectives and targets were best achieved in the Central Administration and the Urban Environment Division.
Read more about the achievement of binding operational objectives and targets ›

Corporate governance of business premises companies

Corporate governance of business premises companies has for the most part been organised appropriately. However, the assessment found needs for supplementing the corporate governance principles.
Read more about the corporate governance of business premises companies ›

Ownership steering of sports and cultural services and overall management

The ownership steering of sports and cultural services is organised in an appropriate manner for the most part. At City level, the problem is that the division of labour between the mayor and deputy mayors has not been defined.
Read more about assessment of sports and cultural services ›

Achievement of the binding objectives and targets

The City divisions that were the most successful in achieving their binding operational objectives and targets were the Education Division and Central Administration.
Read more about Achievement of the binding objectives and targets

Effectiveness of the recommendations

The recommendations issued by the Audit Committee in 2017 led to measures except the fact that the dual role of elected representatives and office holders who belong to the Helsinki Group’s administration continues to be problematic.
Read more about Effectiveness of the recommendations